
I mainly give courses on Algorithms, Machine learning and Information retrieval. My current teaching activities comprise (teaching material available on moodle and caseine):

I also supervise pratical courses on Calculabilité et Complexité (Master 1 informatique).

The book Recherche d'information: applications, modèles et algorithmes, co-written with M.-R. Amini, contains some material (course and exercices) I use for my courses on information access and retreival.

In the past, I gave courses on:

  • C programming (L1), Ada programming (L2), Java programming (L3)
  • Data mining (M1 MIAGE), Information retrieval and machine learning (2Y and 3Y, Polytech Grenoble), Information access and retrieval (Master 2), Information access: from the web of data to the semantic web (Mastere Big Data)

Lastly, I have had the following teaching responsibilites:

  • Co-responsible of the option AIW (Artificial Intelligence and the Web) in MOSIG (2011-2015)
  • Co-responsible of the Mathematics and Computer Science Master of Univ. J. Fourier (2008-2011)
  • Responsible of the Computer Science Magistère of Univ. J. Fourier (2006-2008)